
Paragon of Digital Advertising
Anti-Fraud, Real User Acquisition, Positive ROI, doing what's right!


About Us
Experienced and easy to work with, but most notably, virtuous and constantly on the offensive against ad fraud. We don't look-the-other-way. adParagon was established as a beacon of quality and integrity in an industry plagued by fraud and dishonesty. Understanding the importance of Advertiser products and budgets, we remain steadfast in the mindset of maximizing ad-spend and ROI.

Our Vision
Worry-free, fraud-free digital advertising. Fraudsters are sophisticated and try to stay a step or two ahead. This is why daily eyes on analysis is still necessary, which is exactly what we do, on top of the tech flags and filters. Also, we’ve been helping gaming companies implement and utilize unique tracking techniques to gain greater visibility into the legitimacy and value of users; effectively snuffing out all forms of digital/bot fraud.

We are focused on fraud free UA and providing benefit for our clients and partners, and our tech helps us do that. Our customized portal lets you manage and browse campaigns, connect via API, pull reports and more. Additionally, partners can monetize users with our fully featured offerwall.
Join us!

Allow us to connect you to our premium publishers. We will match you with sources that make sense for your campaign to guarantee profit-maximizing users.
Looking to maximize your revenue? We can connect you to our high-end advertisers. Let us help you fill your video, banner, interstitial, and offerwall placements.

Tracking Partners